TICTAC visual drug identification and information system

Instantly identify drugs with the TICTAC visual drug identification and information system


Search and identify over 39,500 medicines and drugs in seconds. TICTAC is a visual drug identification system for solid dose drugs (tablets, capsules, patches and stamps). It incorporates a continuously updated database of medicines, drugs and products easily confused with drugs, into a very fast and easy to use software system. Over 60,000 law enforcement and healthcare professionals have access to the TICTAC system.


But TICTAC does not just instantly identify drugs. Once a drug has been identified TICTAC displays:


  • Images of the drug/medicine
  • If it is a controlled substance and which class/schedule
  • If it should be prohibited in custody
  • The effects/results on drug tests (cross reactivity)
  • Names/street names
  • For medicines, what they are used to treat
  • Audio Pronunciations
  • Ingredients/chemical structure
  • Manufacturer/contact details (medicines)
  • Physical characteristics
  • Links to SPC (medicines)